Benefits of t24DocGen

- up to date technical documentation for predefined Temenos Transact objects, including codedata relationships for selected classes/JARs
Such things as references to local/global/component variables and regular CALL/CALL@/component calls provide you deeper code understanding. Forward and backward code links (who calls me/who is my caller) and deep forward/backward links (flattened view with information such as who is called by my calles) will let you realize dependency trees. These trees will not be perfect of course as such things like dynamic CALLs (CALL@) are supported by Temenos Transact. We will however do our best to determine which targets could eventually be called on CALL@ invocations.
Moreover, we put our biggest effort on codedata relationships discovery. We believe this is key information that will provide you with endless possibilities. You can finally discover Temenos Transact codebase change effects (depending on your agreements with vendors).
We will try to tell you what files are potentially read/written/deleted/cleared and which fields are potentially referenced.
Again, our information may NOT be fully perfect, but we are putting lots of effort to provide you best quality results.
- documentation containing customer specific notes
We will embed your custom documentation to HTML, searchable, Jekyll generated site.
If you maintain your project documentation as Markdown files in some “doc/” folder structure we will be able to “embed” your content to generated site. Generally we can embed any content you provide, but we will try to convince you to new documentation approach. We think that generated site must be customer specific.
- enriched technical documentation
Raw technical documentation that is extracted from the system will be enriched by our “internally” managed documentation. We believe that sharing is caring, so will share our knowledge about Temenos Transact system as much as we can.
For example: we have prepared some short descriptions of circa 100+ core jobs (in English) which we will embed in your site. These descriptions may not be accurate and we can not guarantee completeness, but “some description” may be better for you than no job description. Of course you can still embed your own notes in the site if you maintain your “doc/” folder properly.
We know that Temenos customers are often required to document what they are running on their corebanking system (eg. for auditing purposes).
Finally we would like to see our site becoming starting point for your development team so we plan to provide documentation and examples of well known Temenos Transact APIs (information to be added during site generation process).
- information visualisation
We have made a proof of concept with graphViz and VisJS already.
graphViz draws various diagrams - it is great and simple tool!
Just imagine extracting BASIC.INTEREST from the system and presenting values on the chart :-)
We are not saying such Temenos Transact/T24 objects should be extracted, but we can show Component interactions in routine view for example.
Generally whole “documentation site” will go in future into delivering business and parameters documentation (Q: which AA products depend on BASIC.RATE xyz?). We know that information is already in T24, but it is about:
- easy navigation, searchability and exploration of T24 objects through links and backlinks / inconsistencies identification
As a side effect of our tool broken links are reported/accumulated quickly identifying application problems (eg. entry in menu leading to missing (reversed?) enquiry). So you get informed of quality of packages delivered to your environment or when something strange was done in the system violating its constraints. You can also easily navigate in the site trying to better understand code and data relationships.
- changes identification - improved environment auditability
(Output) JSON and Markdown files may be versioned in git when process is run on daily basis in Temenos Transact / Temenos T24 environment. That may additionally tell you what kind of changes happened on the environment between some commits (=dates). You do not need to search in the system through various tables - you can simply compare changes between git commits to spot what has recently happened (and git is very smart at tracking/diffing changes!).
- (JSON) output of static code analysis tool could let you score your classes and stop some build
There are plenty of static code analysis tools for Java, but none for Temenos Transact/T24. It is common in Java world to stop builds/deployments if changes are not passing some gateways (such as vulnerability scanning gateway or static code analysis gateway).
Feel free to develop custom actions based on the JSON you get from our service (eg. score delivered code).
Feel free to validate third party Temenos Transact / Temenos T24 solutions that you buy without source code (if/when license allows you to do that).
t24DocGen - software as a service (SaaS)
We are offering you (restricted) access to our REST service (API) and custom package for Temenos Transact (JSON data extractor + REST service client).
Steps to start:
- install our (pure Java) data extraction package on Transact/T24 environment
- configure it (eg. tell which JAR files you would like to send for introspection)
- make sure it runs with desired frequency, eg. run it once a day as pre-COB activity
- install our (pure Java) REST client
- configure it (eg. user/password/certificate for the service)
- make sure it runs periodically (eg. each 1 hour) or leave it running in background (daemonized)
Tools responsibility
Our data extraction tool will:
- generate predefined JSON extracts in parallel
- collect configured JAR files
- take a copy of your documentation to embed
- pack everything into single ZIP file splitting it when necessary
Our REST client service will:
- upload ZIP bundle securely to “our” REST service for processing
- receive UUIDs for files being uploaded and link to “collect results”
- poll REST service whether processing on our side has been completed and will pull deliverables once completed (20-30 minutes later). Resulting file will contain set of JSON, Markdown and HTML site (with your content embedded).
Contact us and check how we can help you!